Cacao blue lotus ceremnoy


  • 17:00 Έναρξη
  • 17:30 Contact Beyond Contact session
  • 19:45 Διάλειμμα
  • 20:00 Τελετή Κακάο με Εκστατικό Χορό
  • 22:00 Κύκλος κλεισίματος

Cacao and Blue Lotus Healing Ceremony with Ecstatic Contact Dance

Cacao and Blue Lotus Healing Ceremony with Ecstatic Contact Dance
Opening the heart, we rebirth in balance, in Ananda Unity

We call you to this beautiful celebration of Life, opening the heart, balancing the polarities within. The main purpose is healing!
The 23rd of March is a day during the Spring Equinox time, as Mother Nature calls us to find the equilibrium between night and day, feminine and masculine, light and dark, inner and outer.
The art of living is an art of balance so we will find the path, as we dance. Our guides will be the two great Spirits, the Cacao, and the Blue Lotus medicinal plants, experiencing the healing energy of both of them, which have their way of guiding us in our soul journey to finding bliss.
The program will start with a lesson of the dance healing method Contact Beyond Contact with Felix Metzger, which is an important preparation for the Ceremony. The shamanic healing ceremony will lead into an ecstatic contact dance. We will receive the blessings of the Cacao and the Blue Lotus, with their elegant and elevating essence. We are so looking forward to celebrating this together!

✨About the Cacao and the Blue Lotus,

The cacao will have qualities from Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia and is especially made for ceremonial use. The Blue Lotus is an elegant Spirit, a flower that comes from Egypt and since ancient times has been used for rituals and ceremonies, together with the Cacao we will drink it and receive its benefits for healing reasons.
Valeria Koudoumogiannaki, who will lead the ceremony, for 34 days is meditating and working with their energy to bring the best of its quality. By calling the Spirit of Cacao and Blue Lotus their archetypal energies will assist in this beautiful work. Furthermore, it will be very much inspired by the energies and the qualities of Ananda Unity Center which is hosting us.
Our team will visit sacred places in Attica and Delphi, bringing the Cacao and the Blue Lotus to powerful places, like the temples of Aphrodite, Osiris, and Isis. This will be honoring the Cacao and the Blue Lotus as sacred spirits, which enable us to open the heart chakra and our existence to the sweet nectar of the energy of love and unity.
The unity of the Cacao and Blue Lotus multiplies their medicinal benefits, can be also much helpful in letting go of toxins. Please inform us if there are any issues of heart disease, so we give you smaller dosage.

✨About Contact Beyond Contact

Contact Beyond Contact is a dance and healing practice that integrates Authentic Movement, Contact Improvisation, and Passing Through with practices of qigong, yoga, healing modalities, energy work, mindfulness and leadership skills, proprioceptive and exteroceptive senses, somatics and principles of behaviorism, as well as the philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism. These practices are well-woven together to create a holistic integration of the Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit.
During the Contact Beyond Contact session, we will explore: How much can I open up to the invitations of others to dance with me? How can I be aligned with myself and at the same time in deep contact with the other?
We will get to know different ways of relating to each other, of how to invite and be invited, to lead and be led, to hold and be held.
DJ Junior X will then bring this into a warm and soothing acoustic atmosphere for the Ecstatic Dance, helping us to express our soft and wild parts with secrecy and joy. The feeling of ecstasy will be a result of all the preparation, of the ceremony, the contact beyond contact lesson, and of course the beautiful music of our DJ.
So we will be very happy to have you on this healing and ecstatic journey to experience community and unity!

🌿Cost and participation

30€ normal price, 20-25€ on a sliding scale for unemployed, students and others that struggle paying the normal price
🌀Book your place here to join, places are limited!
✨Please bring comfortable clothes and a cup for the cacao. Make sure not to come with a full belly and not to eat meat the same day.

What is Ecstatic Dance?

Ecstatic Dance is a free movement where you dance in whatever way feels best to you.
In this dance, there is no structure or steps to follow or dance in any particular way.
It is a safe space with a free atmosphere, a container of acceptance and courage that empowers people of all ages and professions to express themselves freely through dance.
We believe that through dance everyone can discover, explore, release, and empower their individual potential and inner self. Let’s create wonderful and powerful energy and celebrate LIFE to the fullest!
Framework for Participation in Ecstatic Dance
– We dance and move freely with awareness, care, and respect for others
– We dance barefoot or with socks (shoes are acceptable for medical reasons)
– No alcohol, smoking, or illegal drugs
– No food or drinks
– We dance in silence
– No photos or videos, mobiles on silent


17:00 Opening
17:30 Contact Beyond Contact session
18:45 Break
19:00 Cacao and Blue Lotus Ceremony with Ecstatic Dance
22:00 Closing circle



Valeria Koudoumogiannaki is a psychologist, with a Master’s degree in positive psychology, working with expressive arts (drawing, dancing, poetry etc) and also holistic ways of healing. She was trained in reiki, and other forms of energy healing, which she practices along with meditation techniques, such as Shambala MD, theta healing, and Roizon. What fitted in well with her worldview, were shamanic healing practices which gave her excellent tools. Their origins are from the Amazon region and date back thousands of years. Her teachers are Chris Waters and her team in England and Romania and Joe Molloy, in England and Greece. In Glastonbury she has received the rites of the shaman, called the Munay Ki, among other initiations. Also, she has been taught the Right, Left, and Middle paths of shamanism from the Andean tradition, and the Tensegrity of Carlos Castaneda practice, among others.
She has worked with women’s circles and other ways of creating togetherness. She has a lot of experience as a healer, and a psychologist and leads ceremonies such as Despacho, Fire and the Wheel of the Year Ceremonies. One very important goal for her is the creation of a psychosocial framework for flourishing based on cooperativeness and solidarity, at the level of community and society. Her project is called Flourish. gr and she is a collaborator of The Beehive Community, their main common goal is the empowerment of the Culture of Care.
Felix Metzger is an artist and activist from Germany, he gained a Master’s degree of Sociology at the University of Freiburg. Since 2017 he has lived in Athens and later on became co-founder of the cooperative and workshop collective The Beehive Community. For The Beehive Community he is organizing and facilitating workshops that try to combine activism or healing with arts, his latest discovery and passion is the dance healing practice Contact Beyond Contact. He is involved in various groups of Improvisation Theatre and Contact Improv Dance. His mentor is Julianna Bloodgood who is running seminars of voice and body release as well as for performative techniques.
Junior X-Manos Chatzimanolis
He was born in Chios in 1970, and he is a recognized Sound Designer, DJ, Stage Manager, and cultural activist active for 35 years in the Greek music scene. Also, he has dedicated at least 15 years in Athens, as an activist, who supports and participates in many social and cinematic ventures, collectives, meditation centers, and groups with artistic ecological, and spiritual pursuits. Also, he has participated in hundreds of major festivals throughout Europe, Asia, America, and Africa and he has collaborated with great and well-known musicians around the world from different musical cultures.
Junior X has been coordinating Ecstatic Dances for 6 years as Facilitator, Resident DJ, and Ceremony Leader, at Ecstatic Dance Athens which was founded in Athens in 2018 by Daniel Bofill and Marianna Tsagarakis. Also in the 6 years of practicing and studying Ecstatic Dance, he has done more than 82 Ectatic Dance Sessions all over Greece and is the first Greek DJ and Sound Designer who together with the Ecstatic Dance Athens team organized the first Ectatic Dance In Greece and Athens, in 2017 he participated in one of the first Cacao Ceremony held in Greece and Athens with the shaman Joe Molloy, and the shamans Otilia Selicean, and Valeria Koudoumogiannaki
Traveling is what inspires him, as it allows him to apply the art of meditation, eastern philosophy and ancient shamanic practices from all humanity throughout his journey as an activist and artist. The source of his inspiration is his journey to the world’s largest desert the Sahara desert and the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula, Iceland and the Scandinavian countries and Greece, Aegina, Delphi, Olympus and Pieria, Ikaria, Samothrace, Crete and Gavdos.
Since the summer of 2020 he is one of the Label Djs of British and Historical Liquid Sound Design – London, UK
founded in 1998 by 1998, Youth -Martin Glover, who is the bass player of the historic Killing Joke and the founder of the historic Dragonfly Records – UK (1993).
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