
Δημιουργούμε πλάισια 
ασφαλούς χώρου

με ερεθίσματα  μάθησης

και εναλλάκτικής θεραπείας
μέσω τεχνων

σε συνύπαρξη με όλα τα ονταμε τον πολιτισμό της φροντιδας

In an era of constant search for a more meaningful way of life, Beehive Community responds by creating personal and group development frameworks for social change.


With methods of informal learning and alternative therapies through arts we provide the impulses for a holistic, experiential and participatory self-improvement. Our main concern is the creation of a safe and welcoming space with a view to harmonious coexistence. We operate with a culture of care philosophy which we transmit to our community. In a healthy environment the individual discovers and experiences his/her authenticity beyond trauma, stereotypes and prejudices. Our participants gain a broader view of reality, are more aware of themselves and how they relate to the natural and human environment. The result is an empowered, expanded active person who cares for the common good.


The Beehive Community is a collaborative group within the framework of the K.AL.O. The social and solidarity economy frames us, guides us and we serve and pass it on. The governance of the group is horizontal where cooperativeness, solidarity, collectivity and inclusion are ensured and preserved.

Our modes of action are workshops, seminars and retreats aimed at adolescents and adults. We take part in European programmes, Erasmus+.
We co-create projects with other groups for community activities and trainings of the K.AL.O.


Contact Beyond Contact (CBC) is a dance and healing practice that integrates Authentic Movement, Contact Improvisation and Passing Through with practices of qigong, yoga, healing modalities and energy work, mindfulness and leadership skills, proprioceptive and exteroceptive senses, somatics and principles of behaviorism, as well as the philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism. These practices are well-woven together to create a holistic integration of the Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit.

For a child peaceful, happy, social, creative, satisfied, cooperative, kind and active, at every developmental stage of his life. A child who loves learning, the way he loves traveling, or otherwise the adventure of life. A child who accepts himself, just as he is, and experiences it with joy, through the process of fulfilling his own potential and the creative enjoyment of his own talents.

Saturday 23rd of March (17.00 – 22.00)
Cacao and Blue Lotus Healing Ceremony with Ecstatic Contact Dance
Opening the heart, we rebirth in balance, in Ananda Unity
We call you to this beautiful celebration of Life, opening the heart, balancing the polarities within. The main purpose is healing!
The 23rd of March is a day during the Spring Equinox time, as Mother Nature calls us to find the equilibrium between night and day, feminine and masculine, light and dark, inner and outer.
The art of living is an art of balance so we will find the path, as we dance. Our guides will be the two great Spirits, the Cacao, and the Blue Lotus medicinal plants, experiencing the healing energy of both of them, which have their way of guiding us in our soul journey to finding bliss.

We invite you to our Empowering Activism and Resilience Healing workshop. We will share experiences, difficulties we face as well as our strengths and hopes that unite us. We will explore ways and healing tools to be able to maintain our strength and motivation to be able to continue the fight with duration and endurance. We will also look at ways to minimize the negative effects and also take care of the trauma from all that is happening.

Next Round: Saturday 10/2, 17/2, 24/2 at 16.30 – 19.30 on zoom.

Is the webinar addressed?

To all of us who have the self-awareness that we can do better! We want better, deeper and more connected communication with those around us, because better communication means a better life with family, partner, friends and partners. We want to have voice and speech with awareness, good acoustics, authentic clear meaning and a willingness to act together.

Authentic Connection is dedicated to the connection and bonding with each other in a playful and deep way. It is combining the theory and practice of Positive Psychology with elements of Improvisation Theatre and Dance. You will learn how to make steps to know yourself and the people around you better, see how you can improve your relationships and cooperate in a nice flow. Consequently you can be more authentic and enjoy your everyday life.


The Art of Communication Retreat

Effective Communication embraces Improvisation Theatre

We invite you for a weekend at the eco-educational center Calme Garden in Lagonisi, to recognize our communication difficulties, the obstacles and to start together the journey of a positive reset of our communication. Together we will learn how to improve our communication skills, we will share, play, connect and we will enjoy the always bright sun and the Mediterranean sea of Attica.

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